Bodh Receives Grant from Boba Bar

Bodh Finance
1 min readApr 21, 2022

We’re thrilled to announce that Bodh has received a grant from Boba Bar 🎉

We’d like to thank the entire Boba community and Boba Bar for their vote of confidence. These funds will be used to support protocol development & audits.

We currently have more than $13M TVL on Boba Network which shows the importance of a native lending protocol for the DeFi ecosystem. In addition to this grant, we have also received two rounds of $WAGAMI rewards. We have successfully distributed $WAGAMI v1 & $WAGAMI v2 distribution is ongoing. There have been no major security issues with any of our smart contracts till now. We have recently launched our long-term roadmap. We’d continue delivering new features for y’all Bobarians.

You can earn > 20% APY on your stables and > 15% APY favourite blue-chip like $ETH & $BOBA. On top of this, you also earn $BODH. Head over to:

About Bodh

Bodh Finance is a decentralized protocol that establishes money markets with algorithmically set interest rates based on supply and demand. This will allow users to lend and borrow assets on Boba Network. We’re a Boba native lending protocol.

Website, Twitter, Discord, Medium, and Docs.

